Thursday, May 9, 2013


Bare bones before...

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and here's the after!!

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It's a very gloomy day so the lighting isn't the best.
I still need to do a little more tweaking, but you can get the gist of it.

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I asked my sweet hubs for an honest thumbs up or thumbs down.
I got a happy thumbs up! Woo-hoo!
(Heck, I knew I would!)

He even admitted the room looks much bigger now.
Tsk. Tsk. He should never doubt his wife.

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Man, I worked up a sweat wrestling and hanging my Betsy Ross Flag fire board into place! Those pieces weigh a ton!
I should have used a double layer of Degree.

But she really pops now, doesn't she?

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The boys.

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I am.

Happy Thursday, everyone!!

:> )


  1. Oh, so worth the wait!
    I love it!!
    You are so right, the space looks bigger now.
    Great job!
    Heading back up to look again.
    TFS. Hugs

  2. You did an awesome job. Love it. The fireboard is perfect there despite all the hard work. Love the room, and yes it does look much bigger. Sit back and enjoy!

  3. Loving it!The room looks so much larger now.The fireboard is awesome and sure makes the whole room pop.Worth the wait and all of your hard work.Hugs,Jen

  4. Wow it does look so much brighter and bigger. Great job Peanut!

  5. Looks great and just think, it would have taken you forever without Stella's help!

  6. I LOVE IT!!!
    It does look bigger!!!
    I so wanted to enlarge the pics to soak it all in ~ but I couldn't :(
    Everything looks great ~ You did a wonderful job!!!
    Double thumbs up here!
    Prim Blessings

  7. I LOVE it Peanut!
    You can see everything in the room with your new color and it does look bigger!

    Another GREAT job!

  8. Looks great. You got it done so quickly. Thumbs up from me also.

  9. WOW!! You did a great job at making this room look so cozy and inviting!

  10. Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. ♥
    I cannot believe how much bigger it looks. I've always known lighter walls make a room appear bigger. But until I actually did it, I had no idea how it truly does!
    I still love the Graham Cracker Crust color I had on the walls. But with only two windows, it made the room too dark.
    Thanks again!!

    Hmmm... I wonder what I'll paint next??!!
    :> )

  11. Isn't it amazing how paint can totally transform a room! It's Primtastic now!

  12. ...I love it! Fab' job Miss Peanut! It does make the room look bigger and it is so much brighter too. :o)

    ...And I love the name, "Twinkle Toes Stella" in the previous post. lol...

    ...Now take a break and enjoy all your hard work girl! ;o)

    ...Peace & blessings. :o)


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