Tuesday, May 21, 2013

You are most likely reading this...

in the comfort of your home.

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As you read this, many Oklahomans no longer have a home to go to.

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A disaster can strike any of us at any time.

Please donate what you can to a reputable charity and help our fellow neighbors.
Our fellow Americans.

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They need us.

They also need our prayers and positive thoughts.


  1. AMEN! This is true not only when there is a tornado which is so destructive as to level 5 square blocks, but also when someone's home burns to the ground, or their only car is destroyed in a crash they didn't cause, or when some other tragedy, large or small strikes. We need to be proactive in our helping and not just wait for the big issues. Help the folks all across the country who need us...sometimes it might just be a quick thanks to God for a life spared...sometimes it might be a check to a charity or a bucket of KFC carried to someone in need. But we need to all do our part....

  2. So horrible, cannot believe in one minute you have nothing....but thank goodness there are surviver stories....Sending Prayers for Oklahoma, Francine.

  3. With all my heart my condolences. It's so horrible. All words superfluous. Just awful. We are all in God's hands. God help the survivors!


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