Monday, July 22, 2013

Beadboard Wallpaper on Bifold Doors Part One

I always seem to pick the hottest day of the year to do home improvements.

Also, I've never removed bi-fold doors or put them up for that matter. Let me just say whoever invented them, should be killed.
Ooops! Did I type that out loud?
Trust me. If and when you ever have to remove them, you'll understand that statement.
Relax, NSA. That was just a joke. ;> )

So after watching a YouTube video on how to remove bi-fold doors
(bless you, kind man who made that), I wrestled them off.

Next, I got my two most important "tools" I need when it comes to any home improvement job I try to tackle.

Coffee and a chocolate chip cookie.

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Did you know there are so many uses for a free standing butcher block other than chopping veggies?

It's true!

For example, using it to wallpaper bi-fold doors.

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Everyone must own a quilter's ruler! They come in handy! No, you don't have to be a quilter to own one.
As far as I know there's no executive order making it mandatory... yet.
But I digress.

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Next step, paint them. I painted them the same color as the beadboard backsplash I did in my kitchen.

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Unfortunately the doors can't go back up yet. Silly me didn't realize that little bit of added thickness now doesn't make the doors close properly.
Yet another reason why I'm not a carpenter.
I'll need to adjust wood trim so they will. But I'll do it in a few days. I need a break from wrestling with those @#$@% doors again.

Besides, I need to order some decorative strap hinges.
I did try to paint faux hinges.
I have one word to describe the outcome.
----> YIKES!

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So here's my opinion on the beadboard wallpaper.

First of all, I do love it!
But it's very spongy and has the potential of showing marks and dents.
My Seinfeld "man hands" can attest to that.
Personally, I wouldn't use it in a high traffic area. Unless you like marks and dents.
Or you can Saran Wrap your husband, children, grandchildren and pets before they walk by it.

Because of the texture, it creates lots of air bubbles. Ugh. That's where most of my time was spent.
Well that and trying to remove the doors.

Bottom line: For only $19.99 + tax, I turned my hideous, cheap bi-fold doors into more attractive looking bi-fold doors.
It was well worth it!!

Finally, with the heat and humidity wave we had, I've been unable to create. (The paint wouldn't dry on my pieces)

I need to get back to work, so I will be scarce for a while.

But I promise I'll show pics of my doors when they're complete.

Happy Monday, All!!!

UPDATE: Click here to see them finished!

:> )


  1. Love them !!! Ooh hate those bi - fold doors too !
    I want to try this on my plain ugly regular doors.
    Thanks for being the guinea pig !! Lol

  2. Morning Karen, looks great, love how the door turned out......You maze me, Francine.

  3. Well, I think they look pretty great! I wouldn't have thought to do something like that. Really cool idea. I'm always inspired by you and your projects.

  4. Well, you have learned wonderful how to remove these stupid doors and why it is called wallpaper and not door paper. Send photos of your re-do to the paper manufacturer and suggest a tougher product but similar for surfaces like doors. Maybe they will listen!!
    We will wait patiently for the new photos!
    Well done!!

  5. They look great!!!
    But I must say I would need at least two chocolate chip
    Prim Blessings

  6. Interesting. I think it looks really good. The only thing worse than bi-fold doors is louvered, stained bi-fold doors. They are hideous. At least you had a smooth surface to work with. Good job.

  7. Thanks, you guys! ♥

    I got the idea from Pinterest. (Man, you can get such great ideas on there!)

    Peachy, how your comment made me laugh! This old farmhouse was filled with dark stained, louvered bi-folds and regular doors. (They were a hit back in the 70's.)
    We got rid of most of them and I painted the few that we left.
    But I agree with your "hideous" description. ((giggle))
    :> )

  8. I've always thought someone should invent w beqdboqrd stencil.

    You amaze me with what you get done!

  9. Could be worse. You could have those cheap, nasty vinyl doors. You know, the wobbly ones. That wallpaper is very pretty, if impractical. But hey, ho you only go round once. Decoratively and literally.



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