Thursday, August 8, 2013

We can all relate...

owl3 photo owl3_zpsfbd12c30.jpg

Owlyn the Primitive Owl and Bartholomew the Vampire Bat are available on my selling site.
(Bartholomew is new. The one on Early Work Mercantile is sold.)

owl1 photo owl1_zps51e8533a.jpg

newbarth2 photo newbarth2_zps7ec41c37.jpg

Click on the "Seasons" button to go directly to their page.

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I ran out of bandwidth which is why my photos won't show. I am not computer savvy so I have no idea what that means. I just know I need it.

Maybe I can find some at the grocery store today?

I'll straighten it out over the weekend.

Happy Thursday, all!!


  1. Oh ya, love them both you are very talented, Francine.

  2. These are absolutely gorgeous Peanut!! I however since having Brady have been the greatest thing since sliced bread....and dumber than dirt!! Hopefully within the next few years my knowledge will come back a little so that I may be super young AND wise!! :O)


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