Wednesday, August 7, 2013


My photos are gone!!
I promise to get them back as soon as I can.
Photobucket is having problems.

I didn't know I was popular!

:> )


  1. I feel for ya..same thing happened to me a while back..for what ever reason I could not find the photo again in like they were moved to a different album..I stopped uploading photo there for my blog and just decided to upload directly to my blog after that....

    Good luck..cause your blog is rocking awesome....

  2. It is a ploy to get you to obtain bandwidth. Don't know how it works but I can recognize the symptoms! Looks like you are gonna have to figure a different way to do all of this, doesn't it?? At least it is nice to know you are popular....This is why I buy art instead of trusting to the Web to let me see it.
    Good luck!!

  3. Yes, it was bandwidth. I am so computer challenged.

    I have a love/hate relationship with technology. ((giggle))


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