Sunday, August 10, 2014

I've been on the lookout for...

a small, vintage hutch for my kitchen. Man are they hard to find! Sure there are a ton of the gigantic, monstrosities large enough for a family of four to live in, but small hutches are few and far between.

I thought about going with a primitive cupboard, but I wanted it to match my colonial style, Windsor dining room set.

Well I finally came across a lovely, vintage, Temple Stuart colonial style SMALL hutch. Where else, but on Craigslist.
(C'mon, what did you think I was going to type???) It was just what I was looking for! But there was a slight problem. The gal was selling it along with a matching dining room set.

Lord knows my hubs would have kittens if I brought home another dining room set! Heck, I have two in our farmhouse and two in storage.
(Don't call A&E's Hoarders yet.)

So I took the chance and emailed the gal asking if I could purchase just the hutch. My chance paid off and
she said yes. YaY!

When I went to her home this sweet gal told me the dining room and hutch were a gift to her parents from her grandparents. Sadly her mom passed away a few years back and she hasn't been able to bring herself to sell it. Since she and her hubs are in the process of moving to Florida, she knew it was time to let go.

I mentioned my mom recently passed away and that I can totally relate to not being able to let go of her mom's things. I too am dealing with those same emotions.

I then told her I would take really good care of her mom's hutch
(Which I truly will)
She thanked me and was genuinely happy and relieved.

So now I have this lovely, vintage little hutch, with some wonderful history attached to it. So cool.

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 photo hutch3_zpsf53ca6fb.jpg

:> )


  1. Your new hutch looks great in the spot. very nice and with a sweet story.
    Have a great week and give Stella a squeeze for me.

  2. Very nice, glad you were able to get it!

  3. That is a great looking hutch. I'm glad the seller found a good home for it! :)

  4. Actually I am a tad jealous! I love this sort of thing. However, it wouldn't fit into the decor in my kitchen in California. So glad you found it and so glad that you found someone for whom you were just the right buyer!

  5. Thanks, ladies!! I just love it!!
    Peri, why not take one room and turn it into your own vintage space.
    A lot of the pieces I have remind me of my childhood. Especially the Early American style of the 60's and 70's. ♥


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