Tuesday, August 5, 2014

We're slowly going through my mom's home...

When I started my Countryfolk Keepsakes business, I wanted to give my first dollie I made to my mom.

Truth be told, I had no idea how to use a sewing machine. But my love for creating primitive dollies surpassed my inability to sew.

There she sat on a little chair in my mom's living room. Other dollies I created were next to her keeping her company. I scooped them all up and brought them back home.

My first dollie I created now sits on my church pew. She may look lonely but she isn't.
She's filled with lots of love and memories.

 photo mom1_zpscf828912.jpg

:> )


  1. You have a hard task ahead of you.
    My sisters and I had to clean out my mothers house after she died and before selling. It was one of the most painful things I have ever done. I too brought home so many things I had made and gave to Mom. They make me smile now.

  2. What a sweet dollie Karin, I'm certain your mom treasured them all!

  3. I hope she is up out of Stella's reach because I know how Stella likes dollies. Thinking of you!

  4. Oh Peanut she is so special. What a beautiful post. Sending you hugs and love.

  5. Love and memories are those most cherished.

  6. Thank God for sweet memories, love the wee dolly, Hugs Francine.

  7. I think it is great that she has such a lovely new place to be. You can pick her up and the two of you can relive memories of Mom and share a laugh and a tear or two. The dollie could sometimes sit in your workroom too. She might like that!
    Cleaning out your Mom's place is a bittersweet exercise...but you will learn a lot you didn't remember or maybe even know. Try to enjoy the process!


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