Tuesday, August 16, 2016



  1. Karin, I agree with you 100%! I am so ready for Fall. To make matters worse. I fell and am using a knee brace, an elbow brace and a wrist brace. Ugh!
    Say "hi"to Stella and Gracie for me.

  2. Oh Phyllis! All that extra gear sounds extra uncomfortable with this humid weather. Hope you mend soon. Karin, I too am waiting (im)-patiently for the turn to fall. Love that season best of all!

  3. What the heck happened, Phyllis??!!! Are you okay?? I hope you're on the mend!
    Jeepers, it's scary when you take a tumble like that. Years back I fell down our whole flight of stairs. After seeing the look on my poor sweet hubs face, I'm pretty sure it sounded like an earthquake. Had a bruised tailbone for almost a year.

  4. Thanks Karin and Maureen. Believe it or not, I was working at church h in the office. I had one leg curled under me. Apparently, it went to sleep. I went to stand up and crash. I sprained my back and wrist. I also have contusions to my knee and elbow. All on the righr side and I'm right handed. I'm feeling better, but it's slow going.


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