Friday, August 19, 2016


This whole week is the Madison Bouckville Antique Show. It is pretty well known and is only about 15 minutes from us.

Since that area is basically "antique row" the majority who flock to the show are mostly out-of-towners. But it drums up business for everyone in our rural area which is terrific! It gives us locals an opportunity to have garage/barn/yard sales. Heck there are sales all over the county this weekend!!

Normally, my sweet hubs and I partake in the fun by having a barn sale. This year I decided not to and boy am I glad I didn't!!

As I headed into town to do my grocery shopping, a little voice said "Stop at that sale ahead."
So I parked Betsy and as I walked down the driveway I'm pretty sure I heard angels singing. ((giggle))

There she was in all her glory! A beautiful lone comb back Windsor arm chair!! Lord knows I have been searching and searching for one to use as my desk chair. But they are impossible to find, especially a single one.

Needless to say I jumped on it like a monkey on a cupcake. Actually, I ran and sat in it. There was no way I was leaving without it.
Man I was hoping it wasn't sold so it would be mine and the police wouldn't need to be called. ((giggle))

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After I paid the woman, I wrestled her into ol' Betsy and headed home.
Ummm... Not the woman, the chair.
Forget grocery shopping now!! Who needs food when there's bargains galore!!

As I pulled up to the ol' Countryfolk homestead, the "Six Million Dollar Boston Terrier" was waiting for me.

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**Cue Steve Austin's bionic eye sound effect here**

Happy Friday, all!!

:> )


  1. Karin, the chair is beautiful. What a find. I see Stella was keeping track of her mommy.

  2. Wow Karin, what a beauty, lucky you planned to go grocery shopping,Blessings Francine.

  3. Thanks, ladies!! It's exactly what I was looking for and the price was more than right!! Woo hoo!!

  4. Wow, great find!!! I just love yard sales!!!

    Enjoy, Janie

  5. Oh how I miss the Madison Bouckville Antique show. That is one fantastic find! I love a Windsor!

    I went antiquing over the weekend and finally found myself a merchants desk at a VERY reasonable price.

    Heading on over to craigslist to see what I can find there!

    Enjoy your day!

  6. Sweet Audrey, I always think of you this time of year!!
    Ooooh, a merchants desk?? Did you blog about it?! I'll have to head over and see!!


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