Saturday, August 31, 2013

TONIGHT on Early Work Mercantile!

Here's another peek at Candy Corn Casilda.

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Click on the banner below to go directly to my page.

Happy Saturday!!

:> )

Friday, August 30, 2013

My Little Ones are back...

These precious, pocket dollies are perfect for your prim home!

They may not be smiling on the outside, but they are on the inside which is their secret to a happy life.

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Click on the button below to go directly to my selling site.

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Have a terrific holiday weekend all and be sure to stop by tomorrow for another peek at my Early Work Mercantile offering for September!!

Remember to ----> :> )

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It'll be spooktacular!

We're having our annual Olde Harvest and Halloween Gathering on Early Work Mercantile the 1st of September!!
Oooh, I can't wait!
How I LOVE autumn!!

Here's a sneak peek at my "sweet" offering...

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I'll show you more of her when we get closer to September 1st.


:> )

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The old barn door...

Years back, when my sweet hubs decided it was best to have our 1800's dairy barn dismantled, (which for the record, I will never let him live that down for making such a horrible decision) not only did I keep some of the barn wood, I also kept some of the doors.

I had no idea what I was going to do with them, but I knew they had to stay with us here on the property where they belong.

I thought about making one of my favorite doors into a coffee table. But I couldn't bring myself to cut into it. Even though it was a simple door, it was too old, too special. So I had it safely hidden away in our barn.

Yesterday, I decided it was time for it to come into the house. I had no idea where I was going to put it.
But it was going somewhere!

I cleaned it up the best I could without taking away any of its character.

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I thought about hanging it like a sliding barn door with the big wheel and track, but it was too small for all our doorways.
Dang it!

Maybe hang it sideways and use it as a coat rack? Nope. This door needs to be upright like it was meant to be.

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So, I decided to tuck it in the corner of my living room.
Nothing grand or fancy.

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It just states, "I'm still here."

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I must tell you, out of the few regrets my sweet hubs has in his life...
Taking down the dairy barn is one of them.

A very hard lesson to learn. But I'm glad he learned from it.

We must preserve and save history.

Happy Sunday.

:> )

Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Friday!!

I bet you laughed because...

that's what it's all about!!

:> )

Thursday, August 22, 2013

When life gives you lemons...


Actually when life gives you lemons, the key is to keep a sense of humor.

Man, this week (unfortunately) we've been first in line for lemons.

Let's see... My clothes dryer started making loud, bizarre noises. Ummm. Noises like I've never heard before. It's scaring the bejeepers out of Gracie and Stella. Could be the bearings. (Who knew a dryer has bearings??)
Here I thought my hubs decided to dry a half a ton of gravel.

Next, we think the wheel bearing (yeah, it's been a bearing kind of week) on the right side of my Jeep went. So my hubs replaced it yesterday. Nope, that wasn't it. So he'll replace the left side tomorrow. Fingers, legs, toes and eyes crossed that solves my problem.

After that, my new (well, new to me) John Deere tractor mower wouldn't turn over. Some part blew. Thank goodness my sweet hubs is a small engine hoarder. He had the part he needed to fix it in his small engine parts stash. So I won't insist he seek a therapist for his problem.
At least not yet.

Then yesterday, I discovered that both my wall ovens didn't work and I was supposed to bake my MIL her birthday cake. ACK!! Man, I felt so bad! We ended up having chocolate pie. Was tasty too.
Hubs is stumped on why it doesn't work. It's probably some kind of major circuit board dew-hicky thing-a-ma-bob that's going to cost an arm and a leg or a major organ, to fix.
I wonder if I can get away with paying with Monopoly money?
Nah. The colors are a dead giveaway.
Although an orange 500 bill would be really cool...

So we will most likely need to call a repairman. But who the heck is going to come out here in the sticks?! Too bad Stan the Beaver didn't do appliance repair instead of carpentry. D*mn.
(Get it??? The play on words??) (hee-hee)

This post is a reminder that if the only problems we have in our lives are these? Then I am extremely grateful.

Am I aggravated?
Oh yes.

But this is life and excrement happens.

Who wants lemonade and a pink 5 dollar bill??!!!

Have a great weekend, everyone!!
Yes, I know it's only Thursday evening.

:> )

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


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I just finished up this lil' porker.
She's now available on my selling site.

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You know the routine.
Click the button below.

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Happy Tuesday!!

:> )

Monday, August 19, 2013

I changed my mind... AGAIN.

Remember my "Yes, I know it's impractical BUT I don't care" post?
It was about my
(impractical) antique church pew. I love it so, but it really serves no purpose. It's rather uncomfortable and a dust collector. But it sure does look pretty.

(I thought) I came to my senses and asked my sweet hubs to wrestle it out of the house and store it down in the barn. Have you ever tried to move an over 6 foot solid oak church pew? It ain't easy.
I know my hubs was mumbling under his breath. So I had to remind him he was moving a church pew and to keep his curse words to himself.

Guess what???

It's baaaaaaaaack!

Well... that lasted not quite a year.
Hey! That's pretty darn good for me!

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Yes my sweet hubs wrestled it back up from the barn and into the house yesterday yet again.
Since I'm here to tell the tale, I'm happy to say he didn't try to smother me with my pillow during the night.

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I am truly blessed to have such a good man... with muscles.

:> )

Thursday, August 15, 2013

It's "Make Me Laugh Thursday!"

Yeah. I know. I just made it up today.


This last one is my favorite:

"I know nothing about the litter box of which you speak… and no… I no longer need a snack."

I hope you got a giggle out of one of them. I sure did!
I can definitely relate to #3,4 and 5.

Enjoy your Thursday, everyone!

:> )

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How I spent my Monday.


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Enjoying nature...

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and being Stella's personal chew toy.

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It's also ragweed season now.

Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy.

We now have two dogs with bad ragweed allergies.

Gracie is lumpy and bumpy like a creature in a bad 50's sci-fi movie and Stella's red eyes looks like she's been at a Bob Marley concert.

It's always something here at the ol' Countryfolk homestead.

Happy Tuesday.

:> )

Thursday, August 8, 2013

We can all relate...

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Owlyn the Primitive Owl and Bartholomew the Vampire Bat are available on my selling site.
(Bartholomew is new. The one on Early Work Mercantile is sold.)

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Click on the "Seasons" button to go directly to their page.

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I ran out of bandwidth which is why my photos won't show. I am not computer savvy so I have no idea what that means. I just know I need it.

Maybe I can find some at the grocery store today?

I'll straighten it out over the weekend.

Happy Thursday, all!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


My photos are gone!!
I promise to get them back as soon as I can.
Photobucket is having problems.

I didn't know I was popular!

:> )

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

When you live in an 1800's farmhouse...

you lose some of the simple luxuries we take for granted.
Like for example... a doorbell.

So I bought a wrought iron bell and hung it by the front door. Good idea, right?
Aesthetically pleasing and quite practical.
Not one person has ever used it in 13 years.

Okay. That didn't work.

Then I bought a wireless doorbell. But the manufacturer "forgot" to mention in the directions, the thing can go off for no reason, at any time.
Day or night!
Talk about giving someone a heart attack!! They should throw in a defibrillator with each purchase.

Needless to say, the wireless doorbell was removed.

Then when I saw sweet Pammie of
Goldie Loo Woodworks
made the sign I was hoping praying she would make, I just about did a back flip!

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It's perfect!
I can't wait until I hear my first "Ding Dong."

Pammie makes awesome signs!! Be sure to stop by her Goldie Loo Woodworks selling site.

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Of course the whole time I was on the porch hanging the sign, I had my very own nosy, four legged Gladys Kravitz watching me.

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Happy Tuesday, everyone!!

:> )

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Beadboard Wallpaper on Bi-fold Doors Are Complete!


I've got a nice bright cubbyhole laundry area now with cute bi-fold doors.

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In case your forgot. Here's the before pic.
Dark and icky-poo-poo.

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Not anymore!
I especially love the decorative strap hinges.

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Man, they aren't going anywhere either. I ended up using Liquid Nails AND the wee screws that came with them.

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So total cost for wallpaper, handles and hinges...
A whopping $45.94
plus tax.

I also got my doors painted red too.
Awning Red by Behr.

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So overall, it was quite a productive 24 hours.

Happy Saturday, all!

:> )

Friday, August 2, 2013

I made a Home Depot run and...

I found them!!

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Just for sh*ts and giggles I went down the hinges aisle to see if they carried decorative hinges.
I found the exact Colonial style strap hinges I wanted for my beadboard bi-fold doors.
Hip-Hip Hooray!

But I'm not quite sure how to put them up yet. These are for solid garage doors. My bi-folds are the cheapy hollow ones.

Maybe Gorilla Glue?
Liquid Nails?
ABC bubble gum?? ((giggle))

As you can see, Stella was quite intrigued with the box.

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Technically, my trip was to buy the red paint I wanted to re-paint my red doors in the kitchen.
(I know. Crazy, huh?)

But it's a different red. Right now, it's the red I had painted my kitchen cupboards. More like a maroon red. It was a color I mixed up myself and had them match.
I know it's a nice color, but it reminds my of my "old" kitchen.
I worked really hard on my kitchen redo and the doors are a constant reminder of the old kitchen.

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The red I'm painting them is the red I used on my French doors. Behr's "Awning Red."
It's a wonderful red. It's more brown. But doesn't look it here with the camera flash.

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Once I paint the doors I'm hoping my sweet hubs will FINALLY fix them! It's been a standard joke around here for the past 6 years.

Neither one of us are carpenters. So when we ordered those beautiful wood doors "we"
(ahem) measured wrong. They are too short but he hung them anyway.

I've been asking him for the past 6 years to somehow lower them and add some trim to hide "our"
(ahem) error. But to date, he hasn't.

Since my half a century birthday is fast approaching, I told him all I want for my birthday is for him to fix those doors.

Ummm. Maybe it will happen for my century birthday celebration. Or when pigs fly.
Whichever comes first.

Have a terrific weekend all!
:> )