Monday, July 3, 2017

The Unsung Heroes...

This past Saturday our area was hit with massive torrential rain like we've never seen before. Local creek waters rose and rose. Areas including our tiny hamlet were hit hard with flash flooding. Central New York is not a flood zone. So this was devastating to our area.

This post is to remind everyone about our unsung heroes. The men and women who come to our aid. No matter what they're doing. Where they are. They come to our aid when called. I especially want to bring to everyone's attention many of these unsung heroes are volunteers. They are not paid. They do this because they want to help. Many times risking their own lives to help save ours.

Not only did the flash flood waters damage homes, it eroded numerous roads.

Amid all the emergency calls regarding the flooding, there were other emergency calls to deal with like injuries from a fall, difficultly breathing and drug overdoses.

About a month ago, a garbage truck lost its brakes coming down a hill in the center of our tiny hamlet. Unable to stop, the men jumped out of the truck. The driverless truck continued through the intersection, hitting an SUV, slicing telephone poles until it plowed into someone's home. Thank the good Lord above no one was seriously hurt. Although the little old timer pug inside the home was quite shook up and rightly so.

So the next time your local fire/EMT department and/or police department are asking for donations, (especially volunteer fire and rescue) please support them by donating what you can. Someday you may be the one needing their help.


Jan Conwell said...

Indeed those heroes should be thanked--over and over. We are at the end of a wildfire here in our area of Arizona. It's burned 35,000 acres of scrub desert forest, but thanks to the fire fighters--and all the people who support their efforts--very few homes were lost. The fire is almost out, and we're all so grateful to them.

marly said...

Seems to be happening elsewhere too. We've never seen this much torrential rain and downpours, but no flooding around here. Without our volunteers, we would all be up a flooded creek.

Countryfolk Keepsakes said...


Alison said...

Absolutely. I don't know how it is where you are Karin, but here in England, essential services like fire, police, ambulance have all been cut severely to save money. The services we take for granted may need to be filled with volunteers in the near future.

I hope the water has receded and everyone is safe.


Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

Ali, rural areas like ours are struggling to find young volunteers. They are actually advertising. I'm not sure how it is in the bigger cities where fire and rescue are paid. But I'm guessing they are having difficulty, too.
The water has receded but there's lots of damage to roads and some homes. Everyone is in cleanup mode. This is a Fourth of July weekend folks will remember for a long time.

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