Man, I can remember bein' a kid and thinkin' about how ancient I would be when the year 2000 rolled around. Well, here I am 10 years after the fact and I don't need a walker and still have all my teeth.
I'm in the process of a major room overhaul. Turnin' a spare bedroom packed to the brim with stuff and makin' it into a library/computer room for my hubs. Seein' I took over the whole house, that's the least I can do for him.
As I'm goin' through boxes and boxes, I came across many filled with toys from my childhood. I can't thank my mama enough for hangin' onto them.
My sister was the tomboy and I was the girly-girl, so mama had fun buyin' dolls for me. Since she grew up dirt poor, I think she made up for her not so great childhood she had.
Every box I opened brought me right back to another time and place. It even smelled the same.
I have too many to show but thought I would share some of my favorites.
I collected teddy bears. I love this one. He's called The No-Frills Bear. His plain brown wrapper bag reads "Lost in a designer world." (I know how he feels.)

This is Misha, the mascot for the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow which the U.S.A. boycotted.

Here are my Barbie and Ken doll cases. Sadly, Ken and Barbie are MIA. Not sure what happened to them. I do remember my sister always chewed their toes off. So maybe she gnawed them into oblivion.

Here are two beauties my uncle brought back after fightin' over in the Vietnam War.

This lil' cutie still danced for me when I pulled her string. Daddy took 8mm film of me playin' with her on Christmas mornin'. Back then she seemed larger than life, now she's just a lil' bit of a thing with really bad pillow-head.

I always loved quirky, odd no name dollies. Especially this lil' redhead.

Unfortunately, my over 45 year old body now has this same profile.

Remember the Loudmouth 8 Track Player??

Even though I had a lot of Barbie stuff, my heart belonged to the earthy Sunshine Family. They were awesome!

Inne cute???

Finally, my Lite Brite was my all time favorite! I couldn't believe when I plugged it in, the lightbulb in it worked!!
Man, how I LOVED playin' with this thing!

Still do...

:> )