Thursday, September 12, 2019

More reinventing vintage furniture...

As I've mentioned, I have an obsession with hutches.

I found this vintage beauty back in 2014 on Craigslist.

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When I repainted my kitchen for the 99th time, I gave her a fresh coat of paint and new hardware. She stood proudly in my kitchen for many years.

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Then after painting my kitchen for the 100th time, I realized something. All my hutches were basically a catch-all for all my crap "treasures." They were strictly used for decorating and not being utilized. That got me thinking.

What would I love in my kitchen? Let's see... How about a coffee bar? I really do love my java throughout the day but, nah.

Then it dawned on me. I LOVE to bake!! Especially chocolate chip cookies! Why not make a little baking station!!

So I did what I normally do. I waited for my sweet hubs to go to work so he wouldn't tell me how crazy I am and got crackin'.

Took the top off.
Man, that sucker was heavy! Took the lower doors off. Stitched up some curtains with the leftover fabric when I made my kitchen curtains and...


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This has worked out perfectly! Not only do I have a place to bake; by removing the top, it has opened up that area in my kitchen even more. Yippee!!

Best of all when my sweet hubs walked through the door, he was actually impressed!!
Woo hoo!!
Guess I'm not so crazy after all!

Until next time.
:> )

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

It's been a while since I shared one of my crazy projects...

I was on a mission to find a small (vintage Early American style) table to put in front of my plaid settee and drove my sweet hubs nuts obsessing **err I mean** talking about it.

I went to barn/garage/yard sales searching. But even the smallest coffee table was too large.
As I searched Craigslist and the Marketplace I came across a vintage end table.

Hmmm. I thought, why not? It was the perfect size and solid as a rock. But I would have to work a little of my Countryfolk magic. And if it came out cr*ppy, it only cost me 10 dollars. So it was no skin off my apple.

Here's how it looked when I brought it home.

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I removed the top...

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Filled in the grooved areas with wood filler and only needed to sand the top.

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I mixed stains like a mad scientist to try and match the old maple stain the best I could. Then a few coats of matte poly and...

Not bad for 10 bucks and a little elbow grease.

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Looks even nicer on the new rug.

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Onto the next project!!
Shhhh... Don't tell my sweet hubs. ((giggle))
:> )

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