Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ooooh! I LOVE Goin' Here At Christmas Time...

Hubs and I headed to the city of Utica to visit the Victorian Yuletide exhibition at Fountain Elms.

Mama used to take us here when we were young'uns. Its like bein' a kid again when I walk through the doors.

The dinin' room...

I love this gorgeous holly pattern china!

I bet Liberace would have loved those candelabras!
(On second thought, they're not sparkly enough for him)

This must be where they played "Go Fish."

The Readin' Room...

The other side...

The oil paintins' throughout the house are amazin'!

This is my favorite room!! Its the lil' girl's bedroom!

I almost swung my leg over and hopped on that horse but thankfully hubs stopped me. (I've been wantin' to do that since I was a lil' kid)

*Gasp* Look at this beautiful china head dollie!

More antique dollies!!!


Now THAT'S a canopy bed.

Here's Rachel and Maria, the lil' girls who lived in this lovely home. Aren't they precious??

Guess what's in here???!!

Oooooh, its like the "Miniature" Twilight Zone episode...

Isn't that Robert Duvall back there on the right?

A beautiful quilt.

I fell in love with this sweet cotton Christmas tree.

I look forward to it again next Christmas.

But next time I'll leave hubs home so I can ride that rockin' horse.
I'll bring my spurs and cap gun.
:> )


Meadowbrook Cabin Primitives said...

Oooooo... I want that little cotton Christmas tree.. hmmm.. goin to have ta make one... thanks for sharing the photos , Peanut.. ride em cowboy ! ...

My Colonial Home said...

What beautiful pictures!
The home is so lovely and the little girls room is sooooo pretty.
I was thinking the same thing as Linda....I need one of these trees.
I think one could make it out of a feather tree by covering the branches. Have to put that on the to-do list.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful visit and so glad it brings good memories.

Raggedy Angel said...

Oh soooo pretty ...I love tours and Yee Haw Cowgirl! Beth

GoldieLoo Woodworks said...

How beautiful! Did they have one of them fancy tables with the pot passers like The Clampets had ?;)~~Pam

Anonymous said...

Oh that is beautiful!!! Thank you for the wonderful tour!!! '

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

love the photos and love that rocking horse...Giddyup! as kramer would say...:)

bayrayschild said...

Wow! Such beauty and everything so fancy.

Great to look at, but the country lifes for me!

Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures!


Farmhouse Blessings said...

Between catching my breath and laughing at your antics, I'm completely breathless! LOL


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