Monday, April 5, 2010

Went For A Drive...

along these wonderful, rural, back country roads near the ol' Countryfolk homestead.
I came upon an old cemetery.

I love old cemeteries.
Not because of their creepiness, but because of their history. Some headstones dated back to the American Revolutionary War.

As I looked up at the flag pole in front of the cemetery, I saw this.

While most folks would be appalled at the disrespectful sight of this tattered American flag, I found it quite comfortin'.

You see, even after all the harsh elements that were tossed it's way, it has withstood and persevered.

I see determination. I see resolve.
Just like the true American spirit, past and present.

Hang on and never give up no matter how rough it may get.

Happy Monday folks.
:> )


Sheila said...

Happy Monday to you too! My sentiments exactly.....
Have a wonderful week.

Meadowbrook Cabin Primitives said...

Amen to that !


Susan said...

I agree, sometimes when were seem tattered and torn is when we are the strongest. Love ya, Susan.

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

I agree with you about the flag...and I love the rest of your photos..there is a couple of punk kids in our area who think hanging the flag upside down is neat...we hate it..I hope you have a wonderful week.:)

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