Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder...

Guess again.
Beauty is in the eye of the computer software program.

How can you attain beauty that isn't real?
All young people should see this video.
Please pass it on...


Snugglebug Blessings said...

Hey girl this was amazing. Thanks so much for sharing it. Our girls aught to see it. I will try to get my 18 yr old to sit down and watch. God bless. Cathy

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

wow its one thing with the makeup...but when they start tweeking with the computer that is unreal..and no wonder it is distorted...;)thanks for sharing..:)

Tina said...

I have appreciated what Dove is doing with this campaign for awhile. Great video

Susan said...

A real eye opener. Thanks for posting it.

Anonymous said...

I think most women, regardless of their age, are aware that the image and the reality are two different things. So long as you teach your children not to take the "image" seriously, they'll grow up to be well adjusted people. Good for Dove, supporting this mission.

Susan Walker said...

Great video, Peanut! That should be shown during PRIME TIME TV for our young women, don't you agree? I'll be sharing this one with my daughters...Hugs-Susan

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