Friday, August 20, 2010

Enjoy These Last Few Weekends Of Summer Fun...

I know I will.

Now where did I put my bikini top?

Have a great weekend folks!
:> )


Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

funny you showed that..hubby works at a Marina and the other day a 70 something old fart (guy) is out on the marina in his thong!!! not kidding you..hubby was soo disgusted...nothing like looking at a 70 year old..butt!! on a man...eeewwwhhhh..;) I think he is scarred for

tattered 'n torn prims said...

oooo....a thong!! I never would'a guessed!! tee hee hee!!

Happy summer!!

Susan said...

How funny. You are one sick puppy.

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