Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What A Strange And Silly Cat...


to make yourself at home like that
with no concern for rain or flood -
your tender paws in sticky mud.


What fussy pussy cat would dare
to stroll the marsh and settle there
and never hiss or spit or stir
while on your tail
a blackbird sits
and nips and nibbles at your fur?

Written by: Eric Ode


Anyone else have a hankerin' for a corndog now?
:> )
Enjoy nature...


Meadowbrook Cabin Primitives said...

Hey, Peanut..

I love corn dogs ! Ya just can't beat the ones down south !

I would love to enjoy nature at the ocean right now since my allergies do not like it around these parts !


Susan said...

How funny. I did think corndog before I even finished reading. Hmmm, pass the mustard!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking cat tails, not corndogs. Both in poem and photo.

I used to love to collect them in the Autumn. The plant type obviously, not a real cat's tail. (You never know who's reading this)

In the days before rampant P.C.-driven health & safety b.s., you'd collect them and put some in a bucket of flammable liquid to soak. They made great torches for Halloween. And yes,your parents knew what you were doing. Who'd ya think got you the flammable. Ah, happy days.

Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

Ha! Ha!! Ali, I'm still laughin' your obviously, not a real cat's tail. But you're right for puttin' in the disclaimer. ;> )
What kind of pyromaniac crazies were your family and you, lightin' cattails on fire and usin' them as torches on Halloween??!!!
Sounds like fun! I'm gonna try it. Quick! Call the "Cattails Against Halloween" protestors. ((giggle))

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