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As of July 1st, I will be joining Early Work Mercantile selling site!

Be sure to head on over and check out all the talented artists!
Now... Since I start in July, should my first piece be something patriotic? Or should it be something Halloweenie?? Or both??!!
Oooooh!! Decisions... Decisions...
Happy Friday, all!!
:> )
Happy Hump Day!
I laugh every time I see this.
:> )

It's more than just a day off...
Ummm... That's not true.
It's more like: "A Goat and a Holstein and a Horse and a Sheep and a Pig."

I just added them to my selling sites.
You know the routine.
Click on the button below.

Happy rainy, cold and miserable Sunday.
Hopefully the sun'll come out tomorrow.
If not, I'm going to kick Little Orphan Annie in the shin.
:> )
That's about how I've been feeling lately. Besides that fact I will turn a half century old in the fall, I've found out my favorite pair of shorts are impossible difficult to button.
Since I haven't had a rant since my 2007 When Did I Get So Old post, I thought I was about due.

Okay, the "old" I can understand. Yes, I'll be 50 this year. There's no getting around it.
50 years ago:
Gas was 25 cents a gallon.
A loaf of bread was 22 cents.
A pay phone call was 10 cents. I don't think there are any working pay phones left, are there?
The "fat" is my own doing. I keep baking. I keep eating what I bake.
At 50, Baking + Eating = Fat. Period.
I need to get a grip. I need to exercise more. Even if that means running on the treadmill with a cookie dangling on a stick in front of me.
But the "bald" had me puzzled. This week I noticed I have a tiny bald patch near my hairline on the top of my head. For the record, I've always had a lot of hair. I mean a lot. (Have you seen any of my 80's photos?!) Yikes!
I even showed my sweet hubs and he agreed. His response, "Yep. That looks like a little bald spot."
Then all kinds of things started to race through my head! I kept thinking about that I LOVE LUCY episode when Ricky thought he was losing his hair. Lucy does all those crazy scalp treatments on his head. I do have a plunger. Hmmm....
Then as I sat at the kitchen table to pay some bills, I reached up to grab my readers I wear on top of my head. As I pulled them off my head to place them on my nose I felt a... PLUCK
That's it!!!
Since I can't see anything up close anymore, I always have a pair of readers on top of my head! When I take them off my head the hinges grab a strand or two of my hair and it's bye-bye strands of hair!
Heck, if only I had that pluck of a violin string sound effect like in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons, I would have figured it out sooner!
So I'm not old, fat and bald anymore. Silly me.
I'm old, fat and blind.
Happy Saturday.
:> )


an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in."
~George Washington Carver

Enjoy nature and tune in.
Have a terrific weekend.
:> )
so I can move my make-do desk/sewing machine.

I was considering a lean Victorian style writing desk. But I'm really digging the look of a chunky Federal style.
I "window shop" on Craigslist daily and found a few that I like. The problem is they are all too big for the spot. Perhaps a chainsaw would do the trick??? Nah.
I know in time, like the baby bear in Goldilocks, I'll find one that's juuuuuust right. I must be patient. (Like that could ever happen)
In the meantime, I've been stitching up more dollies and have another polka dot folk art rooster to list.
I plan to snap photos in the morning.
As you can see, Stella is "thrilled."

Happy Tuesday!
my sweet hubs would consider me one.

I always ask for his opinion and it usually goes in one ear and out the other.
Have a terrific weekend, all!!
:> )
My new paint job is complete and I must say it looks fantastic!
It's much brighter and it makes the room appear larger!
Double YaY!
BUT you're going to have to wait for the reveal! I have to finish putting the room back together.
As you can see by the time on my Daddy's clock, I started taking stuff off the walls and dragging furniture from one room to another bright and early this morning.
Also if you look really close, you'll see my "assistant" helping in her usual way.
Can you spot her?

Maybe this will help...
I have no idea what she was doing, but she was having a blast.

She "assisted" me quite a bit today.
Let's see...
She shredded all the paper towel I was using to clean the glass on my pictures.
She stole borrowed a small paint brush. (Thankfully there was no paint on it)
She barked at me every time I stepped up on the step stool.
She tried to bite the hammer as I nailed the baseboard back on.
She barked at the vacuum.
She chewed the vacuum.
She chewed the small braided rug.
She chewed the crocheted pillow on the day bed.
She chewed on Gracie.
Yes, she was a big help today.
What would have normally taken me a few hours took twice as long with Twinkle Toes Stella.
When I get everything finished up I'll snap some photos and share them with everyone.
Hope you had a happy Wednesday.
:> )

can do more than physicians."
~Oliver Cromwell
Enjoy nature... you'll feel better.
Happy Sunday, everyone.
:> )