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Generations of selfless service and sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Thank you.

I wish I knew who to credit the above to. But unfortunately I don't.
Many of us took the leap of faith to create what's in our hearts and put it out there on the internet for the whole world to see.
We spend hours drawing. Sketching. Doodling.
Re-drawing, re-sketching and re-doodling... Again and again until we get it right.
We drive to the stores for our supplies. Spend hours picking out just the right fabrics... paints... materials... colors...
We've pricked, stabbed, burned or cut our fingers.
For me, all of the above.
We've accidentally torn or mistakenly cut, wasting fabric and time. Having to start all over again.
We've cursed in frustration and danced with joy with a finished piece.
I want to thank all of you who have purchased from me over these years. I have worn my heart out on my internet sleeve and am truly grateful to you for seeing the love I put into each piece I create.
That's it.
That's all I wanted to say in today's post.
:> )

This huge, vintage, solid as a rock, heavy, Ethan Allen Early American sofa has been in my family for as long as I've been on the planet. Well over half a century. But back then is was a groovy avocado green, baby.
My mama passed it along to me back around 2005. So I went ahead and had it reupholstered along with new foam cushions in a cottage-y/farmhouse-y plaid. That I absolutely love.
But an off white sofa isn't conducive for every day living. At least not in this home with my sweet hubs, a couple furbabies and quite frankly... me. I'm usually covered in some kind of paint. Or dirt. Or Stella drool.
Then there's my other problem... I change wall color like I change my underwear. So I had a whole new color scheme after only a year or two.
For the record. I change my wears about every six months. ((giggle))
I'm kidding! I'm kidding! That's all I need is a rumor like that!
Remember I had a green living room?
Make that three different shades of a green living room.

But I still couldn't bring myself to part with it completely so I asked my extended family if they wanted it. Nope.
That's when I had the brainstorm to put it upstairs in the spare bedroom. You know the kind of bedroom that has all the furniture you can't seem to let go of and really isn't a bedroom at all? Yeah, that kind of bedroom.
So my sweet hubs and I (by the grace of God) carried it up our extremely narrow stairway and weaseled it into the spare bedroom. There it sat for a few years.
Well this weekend, I decided it was finally time to say goodbye. Sentimental or not, I had to let go.
Yesterday, I put it up on **all together now** Craigslist. Since I've been blessed with getting fantastic deals on there myself, I thought it was best to pay it forward and list if for a great price.
I got an email from a sweet, young gal who said she wanted it.
You should have seen us trying to get it down the stairs last night! Ummm... God's grace was running a little behind yesterday.
This afternoon, she and her hubs and their four wee ones drove about an hour to pick it up. I found out this young family farmed their land. Well, you all know I'm always tickled to find out a young couple decides to get into farming. Lord knows we all need that and we need young people getting into the trades too.
When they got to our home, my sweet hubs greeted them from the front porch. When he saw the wee ones he says, "Well go on in and try out the couch!" Once Mom gave the go ahead, they all piled on the couch. It was an adorable sight that warmed my heart so.
Just then a little one asks, "Mom, can I have something to eat?" That's when I knew all was good.
So I leaned into Mom and quietly asked her if I could give them each a lollipop. She was fine with it and I saw a sea of smiling faces when I brought out my lollipop jar.
When all was said and done and they strapped the sofa down in their pickup, I was at peace with letting go of a piece of my family.
Who knows? Maybe 50 years from now, that little (hungry) one will want to have it reupholstered and continue the history of the huge, vintage, solid as a rock, heavy, Ethan Allen Early American sofa.
Lords only knows with four wee ones and an off white sofa... It will definitely need it. ((giggle))
Now I can set up the daybed I had leaning in the corner of that bedroom, in that bedroom!!!
:> )
and He cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass - grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls."
~Mother Teresa
This quote is one of my favorites.
As of late, I seem to be reminded of it.

I turn on the television and I see nothing but arguing, chaos, fighting, anger, jealously, pain, violence, deceit... I could go on but you get the gist. It's absolutely everywhere. Whether it's a reality show, the news or the weather.
Even what's considered a comedy, isn't really funny. It's a lot of crude comments peppered with a few funny lines. Heck I'm by no means a prude. But I find myself shaking my head thinking, "Did they really have to say that?" as I turn the channel to find something else to watch.
If you're a history buff, you will see the pattern. I promise not to go all crazy, nasty*ss Honey Badger on you. All I will say is please do the research and educate yourself and your family.
So this past week I decided (for the most part) to turn off the box full of "noise and restlessness."
I can honestly say it's been quite wonderful.
No noise.
Have a terrific weekend, all.
:> )

I've been asking my sweet hubs to try to removal a maple tree stump very close to our house. We've both hacked at it over the years thinking over time it would rot away. Wrong! This thing is just as solid as the day we had it cut down.
My sweet hubs had a "brainstorm" idea. His country living roots brought him back to if you needed something removed, you'd wrap a heavy duty chain around it and "remove" it.
So he wrapped one end around the stump. The other around his old Jeep's hitch.
Hmmm... I was a little hesitant. So I decided to watch from the kitchen window.
Well what happened next could have been a YouTube moment if I only had my camera!
C R A S H!!!

I swear, that chunk of maple had it in for my sweet hubs. Its projectile, laser aim was perfect!!
I ran outside to make sure he was okay. When I saw him get out of his old Jeep laughing, I breathed a sigh of relief and started to laugh right along with him.
Glass was everywhere!! I never thought I would ever say I had to Shop Vac our lawn, but I did. We couldn't have glass anywhere our precious furbabies step. So I vacuumed the lawn. Craziness.
We still have a little more to remove. But I prefer we go back to the hacking with an axe method.
Next, I must tell you about a fantastic product I purchased and used over the weekend!
It's called "Nature's Secret Weapon." It's a top notch odor eliminator product.

Remember that lovely (almost perfect) settee I purchased?

Well it had an odd, funky, musty basement/attic/ (barnyard?? Who knows?) smell that I couldn't get rid of. I tried everything.
I went online looking for something. Anything. Then I found this product. It was my last hope before I chopped up that settee and use it for firewood.
I'm telling you, this stuff is a miracle product!!! The smell is completely gone!!
It's a concentrate, so you dilute with water to the strength you need. Man, if you have cats or dogs, this product is a must! They've got a money back guarantee too. But I'm convinced, it will get rid of any funky smell you may have.
Although I don't suggest you hose down your spouse after a long, sweaty day of stump removal.
Happy Monday, all!
Wishing you a happy and productive week!
:> )