I have been getting emails and phone calls from some very dear Facebook friends wondering where I am. I want to let everyone know I am fine. No need to worry. ♥
I thought I could quietly remove myself, but I guess it didn't go as planned.
;> )
You see, I had joined Facebook many years ago but decided to leave. I'm always talking about living simply and how important it is to enjoy nature. Yet I was spending much of my time with technology and quite frankly it was sucking the life out of me. That had to change, so I left.
Then last June my mom passed away. I wanted to get in touch with friends to let them know and Facebook was the best way to do it. So I tried to sneak back on for a bit. When I was "found out" I got such a warm and wonderful "welcome back" from some, I promised myself I would stay but only for one year.
Well, it's been one year. I kept my promise and left. I hope you all understand this is a personal decision. I have met so many wonderful people that I hope I can stay in touch with you somehow. Maybe with blogs? I'm guessing blogs aren't as hip and cool as Facebook or Twitter. But I like to blog. So I will stick with what I like... unhip and lame. ((giggle))
So there you have it. I hope this puts some minds at ease.
Thanks to all of you who contacted me with worry and concern. You guys are the best and please keep in touch when you can.
<3 I was scrolling through my friends list cleaning it up and you were gone :( but now I see why and I COMPLETELY understand.....I will keep up w/ you the old fashioned way though-lol! Hope the jeep adventure and new paint scheme are going well! I will miss you on fb but I too am seldom on and as my career life path are changing (hopefully soon) I will be on less and less as well.
Hi Tress!!! I'm so glad you found me!! Woo hoo!! Best of luck in your new career path! ♥
Yes, we'll keep in touch like the dinosaurs did... by blogging. ((giggle)) :> )
I'm with you Peanut!
Even though I'm on Facebook it absolutely drives me nuts!
It's too busy for me. I like "SIMPLE". If it wasn't for the group I'm in now I wouldn't be on Facebook at all.
I enjoy reading the blogs. I wish more people would get back into it.
Sending you love and hugs my friend!
Me too, Audrey! Probably wishful thinking, but I would like to see everyone get back into blogging. It's much friendlier and personable. ♥
So so happy you decided to stay a blogger. I still love blogging even though I am boring in my little simple world. Hugs Francine.
Hey You!! You cant hide from me! LoL
Ive been off n on the past week
I am in a couple of wholesale groups so I have to poke there and family too
But it does get crazy
I tried a blog
Never got any comments so it got boring
Hugs to you !!! Miss you already
Hey Lana!!! You found me!! YaY!! Yep, many don't post on blogs. Not sure why that is. But maybe we can change that. :> )
Francine, I love reading your blog and what's happening in your parts. ♥
GLad your going to keep on blogging! So glad your willing to continue blogging.I love seeing everything your doing with your decorating and all the goodies you find and of course the furbabies.
i dont do a personal facebook either, but must do a business page.
looking forward to your next adventure!
What a wise choice and at the perfect time!! I love the connections Facebook offers and hate the crud!! Your light will be missed in that darkness.....so I hope you don't mind if I stop in here once in a while!!😃 enjoy your new week!!
What a wise choice and at the perfect time!! I love the connections Facebook offers and hate the crud!! Your light will be missed in that darkness.....so I hope you don't mind if I stop in here once in a while!!😃 enjoy your new week!!
Thanks, sweet Jinxie!! You know if I'm not painting a wall, I swinging a hammer. (And not at my sweet hubs) ((giggle))
Hey Stace!! Yes, please stop by and stop by often! I'll do the same. I always get the giggles from your posts! You crack me up!
I agree with you about FB. Sadly the negative on there outweighs the positive. I found my "light" was starting to dim. Not good for the brain. Or for the soul.
You scared me to death when I realized you were no longer on my friends list!!! So glad to have re found you!!
Whew! There you are, Dixie!! ♥ Man, I've been googling your name all week trying to find your blog but came up with nothing. I'm so glad you found me too! :> )
I was sad when I realized you were no longer on FB but I knew I could find you here......you can run but you can not hide :) Giggle!
((hee-hee)) I'm so glad you guys are here! ♥ I didn't want to give anyone the slip and hide. If I did, I would have worn camo. ((giggle)) :> )
i'm trying to spread the word Goob... everyone has missed you.
But first, I had to reactivate my google account to post! lol
Been a day or two ♥
happy 4th
Thanks, buddy! I miss everyone too! ♥ Happy Independence Day!!!
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