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Yes, I'm early. But I'm pretty sure I won't make it to midnight so I thought it was best to say type it now. ((giggle))
Not too much going on at the ol' Countryfolk homestead for New Year's Eve. I'll be treating myself to root beer, a bag of Cracker Jack and a Dove candy bar. Not necessarily in that order. But hey, It's New Year's Eve... I may go a little crazy. ((hee hee)) Hubs has his stash of goodies too.
I'm hoping to find a Three Stooges Marathon somewhere on the dial. (Man, does anyone call it a "dial" anymore
As I was waiting for my kitchen china hutch hardware to arrive in the mail today (which by the way it didn't, even though it was supposed to. hmpf!) I decided to switch my corner hutch and commode around the living room. I'm not one for symmetry. But I like balance. It's funny how moving only two pieces of furniture balances out the room and actually gives you more room.

Now I'm on a mission to find a portrait of Frederick Douglass (friend to President Lincoln) to hang next to him.
He spoke to a group of 12,000, (not far from us) at the Madison County Fair back on Oct. 6, 1856.
A little bit of political trivia...
Did you know President Lincoln was a Republican? Many are shocked when they find out. My mother was one who didn't know. She actually didn't believe me at first.
Well, it's time for me to go hog wild and tear into my Cracker Jack bag!! Woo hoo!!
Happy New Year, All!!!!!!
:> )

But I would have preferred a white Christmas instead of a white four days after Christmas.
Oh well... Happy snowy day!
:> )
Now she looks like a "lovely, farmhouse lady..."

instead of a "big, kitchen turd."

I painted her (matte) Sandstone Cliff by Behr. I asked for flat. But was given matte. Guess they consider it the same. Personally, I don't.
She took one coat of primer, two coats of paint and one coat of satin polycrylic.
Because of her age, I took some sandpaper and slightly roughed her up around the edges. I thought it was appropriate. Hey at our age, aren't we all a little rough around the edges??
I just have to wait for her knobs and bin pulls to arrive (I purchased the same as my kitchen cabinets). She also needs to cure a little longer before I fill her up with "stuff." At the moment she's a bit modest due to her nakedness.
I thought about keeping the top glass doors off, knocking out vertical center strip of wood, wood putty the holes and keep her as a regular ol' hutch. But I was reminded of the dust that accumulates with a wood stove and thought it best to keep the doors on and the dust out. Who knows? Maybe I'll get a bug up my butt and do it in the future.
So that's is. She's (almost) finished.
I'm pretty sure I heard her breathe a sigh of relief when I hung her last cabinet door. ((giggle))
Happy Monday, all!!
It is Monday, right??!! Heck, I'm losing track of time!
:> )

I LOVE the way my china hutch looks painted!!! Woo hoo!!! It's going to look better when it's finished!!
Even my sweet hubs is impressed.
Stella approves too.
Proof positive that a quart of paint and some hard work pays off.
Just think... only fourteen more coats to go. ((giggle))
Happy Saturday, all!!
:> )

wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room at the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock at night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in the manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:7-14
That's what Christmas is all about.
Merry Christmas.
this is going to be a gripe post. So if you don't want to hear read it, please move along. There's nothing to see here...
Okay. Today I needed to run a few errands before Christmas. I stopped into a local artisan shop. As I'm walking through the business, I could hear Dean Martin's version of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" throughout the rooms. It was lovely. I found myself crooning along as I picked up different items.
As the young twenty-something woman cashed me out and handed me my change, I smiled and innocently said "Merry Christmas." Her response was a dead, blank stare back at me. Nothing else. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. I may have heard a lone cricket chirping, but that's about it. I was so taken aback, I just grabbed my purchase and walked out the door actually shaking my head in disbelief.
Did I expect a reciprocating,"Merry Christmas?" That would have been nice. I would have been fine with a "Happy Holidays." Heck, I would have taken a "Thank you" for cripes sake. But absolutely nothing??
Remember I mentioned things are weird to me... Well that was yet another perfect example of it. If the young woman has an "issue" with Christmas, maybe it's wise for the business owner not to have her cash out customers two days before Christmas. Just sayin'.
Next stop. A local drug store. When I handed the cashier a 50 dollar bill she had a total melt down. No exaggeration either. She started to rant about having no change for it and how everyone has been giving her 50's and 100's and now she has no change. I'm thinking, Ummm... I'm not trying to put you over the edge, lady. I just need some Advil. When I got into my vehicle, I proceeded to dump the whole contents of it into my mouth. But alas, I still have a headache.
Wait! There's more! Had to go to the HD to get my paint for the hutch. As I walked the aisles all I heard was complaining. Customers. Employees. Everyone was miserable.
That's when I decided to start whistling "Have A Holly Jolly Christmas" It was my Daddy's favorite Christmas song. Sure I got some strange looks. But that's nothing knew to me. I get that a lot.
I headed over to the paint department. The paint guy was nice and friendly. I even got a "Merry Christmas" when he handed me my paint and stir stick. Woo hoo!!
Then I go to cash out... Almost a similar scenario like at the artisan store.
I don't get it. Guess I never will. I just whistled a little louder as I walked out of the store.

Happy Wednesday, all.
Remember to be merry and bright and hopefully tick off a few people along the way. ((giggle))
:> )
Many years ago, I was on a kick where I was painting vintage furniture.
Then (for some unknown reason) I started to feel guilty about painting a perfectly fine piece of vintage furniture. You know, the whole trying to preserve a piece of history thing. So I stopped.
Well, I'm back in the saddle again, baby!!
I've lived with this vintage hutch for a little over a year and have come to the conclusion that I need to paint (and slightly distress) it.
It's looking like the "big, brown turd" we had in our living room. That was how I "lovingly" referred to the gigantic, out of place, brown sofa we had in our living room. Oh and did I mention that was the sofa my sweet hubs picked out? Never let your sweet hubs pick out a living room sofa. Period. Lesson learned. ((giggle))

The natural wood is just too dark for my light kitchen.
Now... What color do I paint it????
Hmmm. Well I'm thinking red is out because the door it sits next to is red and that could be red overkill.
Here is a red painted hutch kind of similar in style to mine. But again, not the color I would choose for my hutch. But it does look nice painted.
Ooooh and I'll have to get me some new knobs and bin pulls. YaY!

I'm thinking more of a linen, beige or light taupe color like this:

I love the color of this door.

Actually, if I stick with the kitchen wall and trim color, Sandstone Cliff is the darker color that coordinates best with them.

Coliseum Marble is nice too.

If anyone has a suggestion for paint color and brand, please pipe up and throw in your two cents.
If I start feeling guilty I'll have to think back to how lovely my vintage dark pine dry sink came out.

Remember the before?
Holy schnikes!

Yes. Sometimes it's wise to paint vintage furniture.
Happy Tuesday, all!
Be merry and bright.
:> )
I find myself saying that a lot lately. Things seem weird to me. Things in general.
Maybe it's because I'm old. Blaming it on old age always seems to work, I guess.
For example. One of the two young men who came to install our propane line was wondering what was sitting on the wee "Barbie Burner" I was using at the time.

My sweet hubs told him it was a percolator and if he wanted the best tasting cup of coffee, he should get one.
The young man seemed perplexed. So I did a quick show and tell. I took the lid off, explained where the water and coffee go. Then I said, "You put it on a medium heat burner and wait for it to perk."
"Perk?" he asks. By the look on his face you would have thought I was speaking another language, or I had two heads. But I know no other language except English (Well, I do know a few Polish swear words) and the last time I looked in the mirror I had only one noggin. (Although now that I think of it, I really should have taken a brush to my hair that day)
He had no idea what "perk" meant.
I realize making coffee this way is considered "old school." But man, am I THAT old?
Maybe it would have went over better if I explained to him that's how I've always made coffee ever since the dinosaurs and I roamed the earth. ((giggle))
:> )
and secretly dot your town or city with a little love.

when I ordered the cooktop, I also mentioned I ordered a trim kit and then stated, "Don't ask."
I said that because I should have thought through buying a new cooktop when the new countertop was installed. That would have been the smart thing to do. But that's not what I did... Nor do.
When my new countertop was fabricated, the countertop was cut out for my electric Jenn Air cooktop. When I decided to purchase a Jenn-Air gas cooktop (after the fact), I found out the dimensions were not the same. The gas cooktop was smaller. ACK!!!
What to do??!! What to do??!!
Well, Micro-Trim, (a company out of California) found their niche. They make trim kits for cooktops, microwaves, ovens and ranges for numskulls like me. ((giggle))

How it works is you give them the exact dimensions of your cut out. Along with the brand and model number of your cooktop. Then two weeks later... Voila!! You have one piece of flexible aluminum that will cover the difference. The kit is offered in black, stainless steel or white.
Their staff was extremely helpful and it arrived professionally and securely packaged.
Now, I will add a little of my own personal opinion. Yes, it looks great and takes care of the gap. But it is strictly cosmetic. I didn't realize it.
If you're looking for it to hold the weight of your cooktop, it will not. If the gap is large you will need to figure out how to anchor your cooktop from underneath.
Also, it's rather pricey. At least I thought so.
But it was a little cheaper to buy directly from them rather than buying from your appliance dealer who purchases from them.
Since the company asked for customer photos of the trim kit, I removed my Christmas decor before I snapped these. I don't think everyone would want to see my Dorothy Doll Christmas Imp in the background. ((giggle))

Overall, I am extremely happy with this product! It looks great and most importantly covered the Grand Canyon gap between my cooktop and my countertop. Yes, that was a tad bit exaggerated.
Happy Friday, all.
Be merry and bright!
:> )
"Look what I can do!"

I'm cookin' with propane!! Woo hoo!! YaY me!!!
Yeah, I know I'm so lame. You can make fun of me. Go ahead.
I don't care because...
I'm cookin' with propane!!
Hey! This is about as exciting as my life gets so just roll with it.
Oooooh, I can't wait to perk coffee in the morning. Yippee!!
(Maybe I'll wear pearls!)
Happy Thursday, all.
:> )