Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Christmastime Around the Old Countryfolk Keepsakes Homestead...

Stella's tree...

:> )


Alison said...

So peaceful Karin and very beautiful too. Merry Christmas! Alison

marly said...

Love the first tree shown. Saw one very similar online but it had fairy lights and reviews claimed the tree was too dim. Yours is not! Stella did a good job, and the kitchen tree is a hoot! Lots of work involved with those decorations but all are terrific.

Far Ago Farm said...

Oh my gosh, everything is so warm and cozy - just perfect. Jane

Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

Thank you Ali and Merry Christmas! Thank you, Marly! Those are also fairy lights but they are bright as a beacon! I love to bake so that's my sweet treats themed tree in my kitchen.
Thank you for your kind words, Jane!

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