Oh yes and I especially "love" it when I saw the yard stick read 21" of drifted snow was in the driveway for me to try and remove after today's storm. YaY!!
Tell me now, isn't gettin' snow down your snowmobile boots the bee's knees? Ahhhh, such a "great" feelin'!
(Where the heck is a pair of Frederick's of Hollywood thigh high boots when ya really need 'em?)
Lucky me, I get to unbury all the firewood under that tarp otherwise we will freeze with the reported below zero temperatures soon to follow this evenin'. I'm "giddy" just thinkin' about it!
Ya wanna know what's more fun than a barrel of monkeys?
Tryin' to dig out the ol' pick up truck then accidentally breakin' off the windshield wiper so when you finally do get it all cleaned off you can't leave to go anywhere because ya won't be able to see out the window as you drive. Yippee!!
Nothin' like shovelin' the steps and walkway...
only to turn around and see it has drifted back in again within minutes. Oh the joy!
Finally, it doesn't get any better than this... Forty eight hours ago when it was 55 degrees and all the snow had completely melted I said to myself, "I think I'll wait until New Year's Day to take down all the outdoor Christmas decorations."
"Yeppers! I like it, I love it, I want some more of it!"
Ya can't see it, but my nose is growin' like Pinocchio's.
I've had enough snow for now.
(But it sure is purty!)
:> )