Tuesday, July 31, 2012

TONIGHT on TDIPT Mercantile...

Another Primitive Canada Goose.


Little Red Riding Hood Firewood Folk.


Click on the button below to go directly to my page.

Hope to see you there.

:> )

Monday, July 30, 2012

Cheaters, Cheaters Everywhere...

I like to think of myself as trying to grow old gracefully. I've come to grips with the fact that I have crows feet, lots of gray hairs, creases around my mouth, a pot belly and wrinkly knees. Unfortunately, I'm also working on a second chin.
But there's one thing I am not handling well at all and that is having to wear reading glasses. I can't stand not being able to see up close anymore.

Simple things like reading the phone book is next to impossible to do now. Even with cheaters, I still can't see the dang print. Sigh. My whole life I've always had great vision. I can spot a Snickers bar a mile away.

Now my daily routine consists of constantly reaching for cheaters. I do keep a pair on top of my head but I'm still reaching for another pair. Why? I don't know. It's become reflex.
Man, I can't count how many hairs I've lost to wire cheater hinges. I take the glasses off the top of my head and remove a clump of hair with them.

Then I'm constantly removing them off my face. I can't see up close without them on. I can't see far away with them on. Glasses on. Glasses off. I'm like a visually impaired Mr. Miagi.

I have those cute lil' eye glass chains, but those can be annoying. Swaying back and forth. Getting them caught on everything. Try putting on a seat belt with chained glasses around your neck. I have to leave 10 minutes early just to arrange everything. Better yet, try leaning over your grocery cart with them dangling. I become Harry Houdini in the dairy aisle trying to untangle myself. When I'm finally freed, the guy stocking cottage cheese applauds.

Or when someone wants to show me photos on their smart phone. Really?? Do you expect me to see those on that tiny screen? I can either stand 14 feet away and view them or hope I can whip out a pair of cheaters fast enough before they impatiently roll their eyes at me.

Here's a sample of a some of my cheaters.
Yep, I even keep the ones I broke an arm off of. Hey you never know when I might need them. In a pinch I'm willing to look like a complete fool to be able to see something up close. I have no shame anymore. I'm an old, pot bellied, wrinkly kneed, soon to have another chin gal.

Nope, I'm not handling it very well.

These blue ones are my favorite.

Happy Monday!
:> )

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I have a few new offerings on my Countryfolk Keepsakes selling site.

Another Primitive Holstein.


Look.... Sweet Nineveh is back too.



Just click on the buttons below their photos to go directly to their page.

Happy Sunday.

:> )

Saturday, July 28, 2012

There's good (brick) news and bad (brick) news...

First the bad news.
Yesterday, I hoofed it all the way into town, thrilled to see the awesome brick selections from the Old Mill Thin Brick Systems.
BUT when I got there, I found out they don't carry them in stock. It's all special order. **Sigh**
Tell me, how can one make a color decision by looking at it on one's computer monitor? All monitors are different. **Double sigh**

Now the good news.
Yesterday I emailed the company explaining my dilemma and asked it they offered a brochure. Or could they give me a more detailed description of the colors.

Well, a sweet guy responded and told me he would mail me some samples if I'd like! Yippee!!! After failing miserably attempting a back flip, I responded YES PLEASE!
All I had to do was tell him the color names I was interested in and give him my address! **Double Yippee**
So here are the colors I need to choose between.

"Castle Gate"
I love this one because it has that aged, rustic look that I love so! I want it to look like its been around for a long time. This would do the trick.

"Boston Mill"
I love this one too because it has that colonial feel. You all know how I love our Founding Fathers.

"Dixie Clay"
Ummm... I didn't pick this one. My hubs did. But I have to pacify the "old ball and chain." He doesn't know it yet, but we won't be choosing this one. Shhhh... ((giggle))

He's mailing them out on Monday so I'll keep everyone posted.

Happy Saturday!!
:> )

Friday, July 27, 2012

"Brick-a brack-a firecracka sis boom bah!

Bugs Bunny! Bugs Bunny! RAH RAH RAH!"

Since I've been completely obsessing over brick veneer for the past 48 hours, I figured I better make a run to Lowes and check out that Old Mill Brick Systems and get it out of my system.

I've watched a few YouTube videos (similar products) and I think I'd have a blast using that stuff. It comes with a giant "pastry bag."
You know how I love to bake.

Just thought I'd share a few photos I found while searching the internet.

Ooooh, I love this rustic look. That pot belly stove is adorable!

I have a "pot belly" too, but it isn't adorable like that. **sigh**


Isn't this brick wall cool? But I really wish I didn't show my hubs this photo because now he wants to cover all the walls in our entire home with brick. He has that all or nothing attitude.

I always have to reel him back in. "Baby steps, my Sweetheart."


Oh man!! I would kill to have a wood stove in our bedroom!
Okay, that was a bit dramatic. I wouldn't kill to have a wood stove in our bedroom. But I would kick someone in the shin for one.

Wishing everyone a fun and relaxing weekend!!

I am a Looney Tune.

:> )

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

All Aboard....


Come join me on the Crazy Train, won't you??

Yes, I'm at it again.
No, I don't plan on biting the head off of anything. I'm just deciding what to do with another crazy thought I have in my noggin.

I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what to do with the fire-proof board behind our kitchen wood stove. (It has a gap between it and the wall)
I have painted it every color under the sun. I've even faux painted it to look like bricks. But trust me when I tell you, my faux painting brick skills are something to be desired. It looked like I painted it blindfolded... with my feet. I've also tried that wood grain tool. Don't ask. It had to go.

Here's how it looks now.


This red matches the red I used when I painted my 1776 American Flag peninsula. I also used this red to paint the back door and closet doors in the kitchen.

Sure it coordinates nicely with the rest of my kitchen, but I find it extremely B-O-R-I-N-G. I wanted to jazz it up, like with some awesome bead board. But since it serves a huge purpose (like keeping our home from going up in flames) It can't be covered with anything. D*mn you practical fire-proof board!! You know I'm impractical when it comes to home decor!!

So now what? Does anyone out there in blog-land have any suggestions? I really need to get this Ozzy song out of my head.

Thanks in advance. Oh... and my hubs thanks you in advance too.
I am driving him crazy also.

I'm goin' off the rails on a crazy train.

:> )

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

All breathed a sigh of relief...

We welcomed all the thunderstorms that blew through last night because it brought with them RAIN!! Glorious rain!!! It was wonderful!! How desperately we needed it.

When I walked outside this morning, everything looked so happy and refreshed!!



I spotted this weird lil' Yoda looking yellow insect hanging out.


"Pretty flower, this is, not is it, hmm? Yeesssssss.
Remember... Enjoy nature, you must."

:> )

Monday, July 23, 2012

The dog days of summer can be wuff...



Sorry. That lame pun was their idea.

Have a terrific week, everyone.
Stay cool!

:> )

Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Stop every now and then.

Just stop and enjoy.
Take a deep breath.


Relax and take in the abundance of life."


Happy Sunday.
:> )

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Got R Done...

Well, I jumped the gun on the "low humidity" comment. As soon as I typed those words, the humidity went back up again. Humidity is not a friend to crackle glaze. No siree, Bob!
But with the a/c cranking, I was able to give a wonderful, soft weathered look to our ceiling fan.


Here's a quick summary of what I did in case anyone wants to tackle their own project.


Base coat: Anita's Acrylic Craft Paint in Bark Brown.
Ralph Lauren's Crackle Glaze
Top Coat: DecoArt Americana Acrylic Paint in Light Mocha.

That light mocha is a wonderful color!! My camera doesn't do it justice.




Here's a few of my own crackle tips to pass along to you.

If you want large cracks, apply the glaze thick and with a brush. Also use a brush to apply the topcoat. Only problem is it tends to show brush marks.

If you want fine cracks, apply the glaze thin and with a foam roller. Also use a foam roller to apply the topcoat.

Since I wanted finer cracks, I used a foam roller. But I applied it a little heavier in some spots. That gave me some larger cracks.

Don't' get antsy! Let the crackle glaze dry (to the touch) before you apply the top coat. Apply it when it's still wet and you may smear all your hard work.

After blades dried, I lightly sanded them (especially the edges) to give a slightly worn look. You could also apply antiquing, but I chose not to.
Then I sealed them with a spray matte sealer.

So if you're a little on the daring side and want to jazz up your old ceiling fan, I say go for it and have fun!!

:> )

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Here we go...

The humidity is low, the ceiling fan blades are down and I'm ready to get crackin'!!
Er I mean cracklin'!


Got 'em primed...

and painted with my base coat.

Tomorrow will be the fun part!!
Woo hoo!

They'll either come out really awesome or really butt ugly.

Wish me luck!!
:> )

"People see God every day...

they just don't recognize Him."
~Pearl Bailey

I believe the good Lord above knows how heavy my heart has been after losing some of my furry and feathered friends last week.

So He sent me a "little someone."


As I walked out our back door the other day, there she (or maybe he) was.

She sat right in Clarice's usual spot. I immediately said "Hi!", and she immediately took off like a bat out of h*ll. ((giggle))
But then she stopped and watched me.

I continued to talk to her as I walked around the property, filling the bird feeders. She was leery, but she listened. Her lil' ears were swiveling around her head like Beany Boy. I thought she was going to start flying around the maple tree.

I asked her if she had ever met Steve or if she was related to Clarice. But she didn't answer. ;> )

This morning, I walked out the back door and there she was again. Same spot.
I said hi again and she took off again. But this time not as fast or as far.

I have a new furry friend.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Blue skies smilin' at me...


Nothing but blue skies, do I see."

Happy Tuesday!

(Enjoy nature)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

You spin me right 'round, baby right 'round...

Remember this ceiling fan I mentioned a few months back??


I was kicking around the idea of getting it but then my hubs says to me, "Why don't you paint the one we already have?"

Brilliant idea!! I LOVE to work with crackle paint! Thanks, Sweetheart!!! I swear he's turning into my own lil' David Bromstad.
Shhhh! But don't tell him that.

So here is the fan I plan on transforming.


Actually, I much prefer the gaslight style light fixture on our ceiling fan anyway. YaY!!

When this horrible humidity subsides, it'll be a Cracklefest here at the ol' Countryfolk homestead.

I'll keep you posted.
:> )

Saturday, July 14, 2012

This one's worth repeating...

A few years back I posted a delicious blueberry muffin recipe.
Since it's blueberry season in these parts and today I bought my first batch of blueberries from the gal down the road; I figured I'd share the recipe with you again.

Even though it was 92 degrees outside with 4000% humidity, I turned on my oven and baked them. Yes, they are THAT delicious!



1½ C ~ All purpose flour
¾ C ~ Sugar
½ tsp ~ Salt
2 tsp ~ Baking powder
1/3 C ~ Vegetable oil
1 ~ Egg
1/3 C ~ Milk
1 C~ Fresh blueberries

½ C ~ Sugar
1/3 C ~ All purpose flour
½ Stick ~ Butter (cubed)
1 ½ tsp ~ Ground cinnamon

Preheat oven 400°. Grease muffin tin or line with muffin liners.

In a bowl combine flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. Place oil in a one cup measuring cup, add the egg and enough milk to fill the cup. Mix in with flour mixture. Fold in blueberries. (lightly dust them in flour to keep them from sinking)
Fill muffin tin. Sprinkle with crumb topping.

To make crumb topping:
Mix, flour, sugar, butter and cinnamon with a fork, then sprinkle over muffins before baking.

Bake for 20 minutes.
Yield: 6

NOTE: I decided to use my cupcake tin instead. So not only did I double the batch, they are smaller and smaller means less calories!! Woo hoo!!

Well... not really. I ate two small ones instead of one large one.
But it was a nice thought.


:> )

R.I.P. Steve...

It has been a rough week here at the ol' Countryfolk homestead. First Clarice was hit by a car. Now Steve the Chipmunk is gone. I am heart broken.
:> (

A feral cat has found it's way to our property. It took Steve and yesterday morning it took a lil' injured sparrow I've been trying to care for.
I am extremely frustrated as to how to keep this cat away from my little animal "sanctuary." I do not want to hurt it, just deter it. So if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

Many of you have followed Steve's crazy antics previously on Facebook and here on my blog.

I thought I would share some my photos with everyone again. You can click directly on the photo and it will take you to some of his silly stories.











I will miss you too, Steve. Give Clarice a hug for me.

Friday, July 13, 2012

I have a passion for patchwork...

Especially quilts!


I have ever since I was a little girl. It was Holly Hobbie's Blue Girl who got me hooked.
(She wore the most awesome boots too!)

Big patches...

or small.
It doesn't matter, I love them all!


Have you noticed I can't seem to get enough of beds on a porch lately?

Is there therapy for that?

On the wall??!! I LOVE it!!
(Feast your peepers on that gorgeous vintage metal crib!)

Even my Darla is hooked. She loves curling up on them.

But then again she'd curl up on a toilet paper square to catch a few winks.


Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!!